Glenfiddich is an innovative brand, always looking to collaborate with other brands. Today I witnessed a launch where Glenfiddich introduced byborre. A very futuristic set of clothing was designed specially for this event. The setup was to find out where clothing would be over 12, 18 and 30 years. While reveiling the jackets, Mark Thomson explained the whisky. He is the Scottish ambassador and het specially flew in for this event, I know Mark for years and I admire his passion and knowledge.

The event took place in the NXT museum, a special room where stunning images and videos were project on the floor and massive wall. The audience was not really used to whisky, but that was the whole purpose. Around fifty people working in the fashion industry, checked out the designs, while tasting the whisky.
After the event I had the honnour to show Mark some Amsterdam culture. We had a great walk to Piet de Leeuw, to get him the best steak in town. On our way to whiskybar L&B I had to feed him a fluitje Heineken with a slurpertje Bols Corenwijn. Lucky for us Jean took good care of us by finding the rarest whisky between the 1700 malt whiskies in the bar.

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- Mark Thomson op Instagram